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Dental Implants vs. Bridges: Which one’s Right for You?

Dental Implants vs. Bridges: Which one’s Right for You?
23 Dec 2024

Confused by what treatment to choose? – dental implants or dental bridge? Here’s a quick guide to find out the most suitable option for your dental health. Once you lose a tooth, a dental replacement becomes essential to maintain the alignment of the rest of your teeth. Teeth replacement therapies will give you a proper facial shape along with eliminating difficulties with speaking or eating. When it comes to dental replacement therapies, it’s a question of dental implants vs. bridges!

What are dental implants and dental bridges?   

Dental implants are effectively artificial tooth roots. These implants are usually made of titanium. Dentists mount these implants into your jawbone with the purpose of holding the bridge or crown in place.    

Dental bridges, on the other hand, refer to false teeth placed around your missing tooth. Materials like plastic or porcelain are used to make dental bridges. These materials help in matching the colour of your original tooth. Dental bridges are capable of covering one or several missing teeth.

Comparing the Pros and Cons

Looking at the pros of dental implants we can know:

  • Most long lasting option for tooth replacement; typically lasting around 15 years or more
  • Delivers a more natural looking appearance as compared to dental bridges
  • Does not affect or damage the healthy teeth surrounding the implant
  • High rates of success with dental implantation therapies

Looking at the pros of dental bridges we can know:

  • Comes under the insurance coverage
  • Does not include any invasive surgery or bone grafting
  • Incurs lower costs as compared to dental implants
  • Requires less visits, only 2 at a gap of a couple of weeks

Looking at the cons of dental implants we can know:

  • Does not usually come under insurance coverage
  • Longer treatment duration; up to 6 months’ time
  • A comparatively higher upfront cost
  • May bring about surgical complications

Looking at the cons of dental bridges we can know:

  • Usually lasts for over 10 years, but requires replacing after every 5 to 7 years
  • Loses the natural appearance with aging
  • Produces tooth decay and cavities in the surrounding teeth
  • Damages the healthy teeth around the missing tooth

Factors to Consider while Choosing Dental Implants or Dental Bridges

Several factors, starting from your budget to the number of teeth you are missing, or your overall dental health collectively helps your dentist determine which the best option for your tooth replacement is.

  • Cost: If you want your treatment to get done with your dental insurance, the dentist will definitely suggest you the dental bridge option as an implant does not usually come under insurance coverage. Dental implants are suitable choice, on the other hand, if you can afford it. If you neither have insurance nor is any of the options within your price range, you may consult your dentist for other alternatives.
  • Number of missing teeth: Dental implant is generally a suitable option for those who have lost one tooth. However if you have more than one tooth missing consecutively, a dental bridge is probably a better choice. This is because you will require separate implants attached to your jawbone for each missing tooth if you choose the dental implant option. This is basically an impractical concept and can be extremely expensive.
  • Overall health: Individuals suffering from diseases like leukaemia or diabetes are not fit for undergoing dental implant surgery. This is because such medical conditions tend to slow down the healing process in patients. An overall good health without any decays in the teeth or jawbone is essential for supporting dental implants.
  • Treatment duration: While dental implants require several months to complete the treatment, a successful installation of dental bridge requires only two dentist visits at a gap of around 2 weeks.

During a dental implant, the surgeon drills into your jawbone and attaches the implant root to the bone. Next, you have to wait for 2 to 6 months for healing of your bone and then the crown can be added.   

How do I know which is the right option?

When it’s dental implants vs. bridges, choosing one requires certain considerations. From cost and convenience to treatment duration, you need to check different criteria for getting the best dental treatment for you. However, some individual preferences might include:

  • The intensity of treatment you are willing to undergo
  • The time within which you want your treatment done
  • Your views and concepts of oral surgery
  • Your efforts towards maintaining the dental appliances
  • Your individual budget and replacement issues

Do I have other alternatives?

If you are not comfortable with either of the tooth replacement options, you can look for other alternatives as well.

  • Partial dentures

These devices are typically made from metal or plastic and aim at filling the gaps of missing teeth. Partial dentures are clipped to your healthy teeth to hold them in place and look just like your natural teeth. When the teeth around your missing tooth are not strong enough to support the dental bridge, you will require partial dentures. These dentures are much cheaper but cannot provide the same stability and comfort as implants or bridges. You may also face problems with dentures while speaking, eating or cleaning them.         

  • Space maintainers

If you do not want immediate tooth replacement, space maintainers can be a suitable option. Metal pieces are used to build these maintainers and their main function is to prevent teeth from shifting into the spaces of the missing tooth. Children mostly require such space maintainers. In short, they maintain the space of the missing tooth and do not allow other teeth to interfere in that region. 

Key Takeaways

When it comes to tooth replacement therapies, dental implants vs. bridgesis a common controversy. The pros and cons of both the appliances and comparison of their underlying costs, treatment durations showcase the suitability of the two different options for different kinds of dental conditions and individual preferences. Consult our dentists at Dental Implants London to find the right choice for your dental needs.

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