70 Great Russell St, Holborn, London WC1B 3BN
The dental implant procedure can take as little as a few weeks to as long as nine months. This will depend on the health of your teeth, your gums and your jaw. Whatever the time it takes your prosthodontist or dentist will make sure that you end up with a bright restored smile.
The first step will always be a full evaluation of your teeth gums and jaw and that will probably involve dental x-rays to determine that there is enough bone for the dental implants to be fixed into. Your dentist will take into account you whole medical history and medical conditions you have and any medication you are taking.
If the plan is to remove any teeth before the implant surgery then they will be taken out and a proper time for healing will be left. This is normally about 2 months.
This is the next consideration. If there is not enough bone available for the implant to be fixed into then it might be necessary to graft bone to the site of the implant to make a secure base for the dental implant. This graft is synthetic and needs to be left to heal for 4 to 6 months after surgery. This is to ensure that bonding takes place.
Once the bone is strong and the gums are healthy then the implant surgery can proceed either under local or general anaesthetic.
Your gums will be bruised and swollen after your surgery and the site of the implant might also feel tender and bleed a little bit. Your surgeon will advise on what is best to take for the pain. You will need to eat a soft diet so that you do not disturb the site and so that it gets the chance to heal. In most cases, there will be stitches that will absorb in time. The whole process of healing will take about five months.
Once the surgical site has healed and the implant has bonded with the jawbone then you will be ready to have your healing abutment attached. Your gum will be reopened and the top taken off the implant screw. The abutment will then be put in place.
Usually a couple of weeks or so will be allowed to pass while healing is taking place. Then it will be time for the new crowns to be attached.
You will need to be very strict about maintaining your implant and follow the instructions you are given for the proper cleaning etc. Indeed it is important that you follow very strict oral hygiene routines throughout the whole process.
At the dental implant clinic in London, we have helped many patients achieve the smile of their dreams. Contact us today for the first step towards achieving yours. Apart from dental implants, our Invisalign dentists can help you with straightening your teeth.