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Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants Treatment

Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants Treatment
19 Dec 2023

Are you thinking to undergo full mouth implants treatment? You need to visit a dentist and know if you are the suitable candidate for it. Well, full mouth implants are restorative dental procedures for replacing all your missing teeth with the help of implants. This treatment is suggested for patients who have either lost most or all of their teeth due to decay, injury or other oral concerns. Full mouth dental implants are a great choice for the ones who want to improve dental health, regain their lost smile and boost the level of confidence.

What do you mean by Teeth in 3 days or Teeth in 1 day?

Since the time natural teeth will be removed till the time you can get new and temporary prosthetic teeth on the implants, it can be anywhere from one to three days. This will depend upon how soon your dentist work and deliver them to you. Most strive for the same day.

What are immediate full mouth implants?

These are the same as teeth in 1 day, teeth in 3 days or All on 4 or other term commonly used for immediate full mouth dental implants. The main difference between immediate and conventional implants is that immediate implants can be fixed with temporary teeth within a few days while conventional restorative methods enable for considerable intervals between the removal of teeth, placing the implant and final fixed teeth. Sometimes the difference may be for 4 to6 months. So, immediate full mouth implants are getting very popular in the recent years.

What do you mean by all on 4 implants?

All-on-four dental implant has been designed for replacing the entire set of lower or upper teeth with the help of four implants. There is no need for replacing each lost tooth individually by all-on-4 implant.

What should you know about all on 6 implant?

If you are having all on 6 implants mean more implants to attach a full set of teeth to ,it means there will be more security and support for the long term prognosis of implants.

How are full arch implants compared to dentures?

Full dentures can deliver nearly 10 to 20% of the natural way of chewing and implants are close to the natural teeth. To put it in a simple way, implants do not shift in the mouth like dentures. If someone is wearing full dentures for many years, and they are used to themthen they do not have to undergo any surgery . But if they would like to chnge to implant retained teeth the option is there. Make sure you are aware about all the pros and cons before deciding the right option for you.

How is full mouth dental implants right option for you?

If you have lost either most or all of your teeth to decay, grinding, periodontitis, then you are the right candidate for full mouth dental implants.  It is important to take care of your new implants daily at home so that they are meant to last for a long time. Do not forget to enquire about full mouth dental implants cost in UK when you decide to perform it from us.

Why full mouth implants would not be a good option for you?

If it is possible to save your teeth, then you should always look for an effective and affordable treatment option. There can be nothing better than your natural teeth and replacing them can be the next best thing for keeping them your own.

  • Growing children – There are rare genetic conditions which cause kids to miss their natural teeth. You will have to wait till they become adults to replace their teeth with the help of implants.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes – They can interfere with the healing process. If you work with your doctor to get it under control, then you can undergo dental implants surgery.
  • Smoking – This might impair with the healing process. Thus, people who are addicted to smoking have lower success rates with implants during the initial healing phase and in the long run. This does not mean you cannot have implants though it is advisable to quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • Other systemic conditions – These include –leukaemia, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which may impede with the healing, process. So, it is not suggested to perform oral surgery till you recover completely.
  • Medications – Some medications like bisphosphonates might slow down with the healing of bones. So, it requires careful consideration before committing to implants.
  • Insufficient bone – For the candidates who do not have sufficient bone and need bone grafting as well as sinus lifts to place implants, full arch immediate implants are not the most suitable approach.
  • Delayed or staged approach – This is much more appropriate which means you will be able to attain the same end result though slowly. Your teeth will be removed first which is then followed with bone grafting and implants. This process will take longer time when bone grafting is not needed.

Risks and complications:

Any surgical procedure possess certain risks and complications with it. Some minor and post-operative complications are the following:

  • Bleeding, bruising of face, slight pain and swelling and you should take at least one week off from work
  • Incision line opening when it is attended promptly, it does not cause any serious problems in the long term
  • Infection is very common when you do not take antibiotics as suggested by the dentist. They can lessen the chance of post-operative infections.
  • Nerve damage in the lower jaw is a low probability but serious risk. In the upper jaw unless you have zygomatic implants, there are not any nerves in the surrounding area so there usually is not risk of nerve damage.
  • Other less serious complications of prosthesis which are like maintenance issues than complications include teeth fractures.

More serious complications:

  • Implants do not integrate properly and your surgeon will take a decision whether it is possible to save it or to remove the implant and start over again. This complication may extend the length of the treatment and increase overall cost.
  • There is a nerve called Inferior Alveolar Nerve in the lower jaw responsible for supplying sensation to your teeth, lower lips and chin. With implant or grafting placement, the nerve is temporarily or permanently affected causing altered sensation in the chin and lip on the corresponding side of the face. This might feel like minor tingling which can sometimes improve in due course or numbness.
  • Your surgeon makes an assessment and gives advice on the most effective way to manage it. This is among the rare complications though this won’t be dismissed. Most people who remove their wisdom teeth would be told about this complication by the dentist.
  • Delayed problems with implants may arise particularly if you have uncontrolled diabetes, are a smoker or take bisphosphonate drugs. You might suffer from a condition known as peri-implantitis which cannot be understood and has restricted treatment options. Due to this reason, you might lose bone support around your implants as what might happen for your natural tooth with the help of gum disease or periodontitis.

How much time will the entire process require?

Once you know you can perform full mouth implants, the time it requires from the beginning to the completion is 5-6 months, on an average. But when bone grafting is needed, this can add another 7-9 months for the treatment duration.

More about the process

Below are the steps you need to follow at the dental practice:

  • Initial consultation – You need to start an initial consultation session to discuss about your concerns and needs along with treatment options and time frame. The dentist starts his/her investigation process and evaluates your present situation.
  • Scan (Cone Beam CT) – This will evaluate the density and volume of your jawbone and suitability criteria for your full mouth implants.
  • Series of appointments – The series of dental appointments include – photographs, your mouth impressions and preparing for your immediate teeth
  • Surgery – The anaesthetist will be administering general anaesthesia and you can have a relaxed day asleep while he works to remove leftover teeth. After this, he will insert new implants by taking measurements for the new teeth.
  • New teeth – You can go back home overnight and return the following day for your new and temporary teeth. The dentist attaches an acrylic bridge to new implants so that you can return home with smiling face.
  • Recovery – The mouth begins to treat surprisingly and you are asked to follow the instructions carefully for taking your medications.
  • Suture (stiches) removal – You will have to return within two weeks for removing your sutures.
  • Visit a dentist – You need to see your dentist in a monthly for getting instant reviews and ensure healing process is proceeding well.
  • New bridge – This will be within five months when the implants have integrated with the jawbone. It is already time to make you a new and final bridge. You will be seen many times to take measurements and try new teeth in to ensure they fit and suit your face properly.
  • Proper care and maintenance – You need to take care of your implants and new teeth like you would for the most valuable possession. Visit your friends at the dental office once in every six months for routine check ups and mouth cleanings.

How you can prepare for the surgery

 It is suggested to take at least one week off from your work so that you can recover completely at your home’s comfort. Taking sedatives before treatment will be discussed with you and the option of sedation by an anesthesiologist is of course possible.

Is it possible to remain asleep during the surgery?

Yes, it is possible and you can discuss about it with the dentist. Most implant treatments are performed under local anaesthetic but in the case of full mouth implants,  you should do it under general anaesthetic. It is not painful though you will feel asleep for hours when implants are being placed.

How painful is the procedure?

If you are told the procedure is not painful, you may not believe it. The most common people who need full mouth implants are the ones who suffer from dental phobia. They are usually worried to go to the dentist initially but at the end of the surgery, they tell they are already cured from fear.

Different prosthetic options

  • Acrylic teeth can be reinforced with titanium framework which is the common effective and affordable option for most patients. Titanium is extremely durable and strong though acrylic is not. The teeth and gums on this prosthesis will chip and wear away soon though but it is inexpensive to repair. Your acrylic teeth may break and have to be replaced at some point of time. This might be 7-15 years down the track and so, you can think of repairing or rebuilding dental bridge in future.
  • Zirconia bridge are stronger though heavier to wear. When they chip, you will have to pay a few thousands for necessary repair work
  • Metal fused to porcelain so that you can smile with the most expensive teeth. But it is very difficult to break the bridge.
  • Even though you have chosen the best surgeon, you cannot save implants when you do not take proper care of them. You will feel upset to find the health of implants deteriorating due to preventable reasons.

Thus, you need to visit our dentist at Dental Implants London and ask about full mouth dental implants cost in UK. This will enable you to perform the treatment successfully within your estimated budget.

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